fona bilde

Port regulations

Issued Pavilosta, 2008 March 27, on the basis of the Law “On Local Governments” 43. Article 13 of the Law on Ports and the first paragraph of Article 6.

1. General

1. Pavilosta port regulations determine Pavilosta port internal order and the safety of navigation Pavilosta port basin.
2. Terms used:
2.1. The main fairway – channel for vessels entering the port of Pavilosta (from the mole ends and the last berth or Saka River bridge); 2.2. landing strip at the berths – the water surface and water tank bottom portion of the vessel at the berth occupied and cargo operations used barges, floating cranes, etc., but not narrower than 12m;
2.3. berth operator – the owner, lessee or possessor;
2.4. Harbor Master – the Pāvilosta port decision of the Board appointed by the port authority official who receive, register and examine the ship’s master or agent presented in Chapter 3 of the documents and pass port formalities;
2.5. small ship – a vessel with a length of less than 30 m or ship laden weight of less than 200 gross tons;
2.6. ship agent – a legal entity that complies with the Cabinet for certain professional criteria and requirements, and who has entered into a cooperation agreement with the port authority for port fees and service payment procedures. Ship agent represents the shipowner’s interests in accordance with his mandate set. Port formalities are completed ship agent staff who have passed the professional aptitude test in accordance with the requirements of the Cabinet
2.7. port clients – consignees, consignors, their authorized representatives – forwarding agents, ship owners, their authorized representatives – ship agents and other persons who have the legal basis used by the Port Authority and licensed companies but that the port is not their territory, and other persons in accordance with laws and regulations.
2.8. The vessel – any vessel other than rowing boats.
2.9. Cargo ship – a vessel other than a passenger, or fishing vessel.
2.10. Fishing vessel – a ship of any size with any engine that is used or intended for fishing is for profit.
2.11. Passenger ship – a vessel that is constructed or usually (in some cases) is used more than a dozen passengers.
2.12.Izpriecceļojumu ship – a vessel (with any engine), which is used exclusively for cruise and which does not carry passengers or goods for hire or contract basis for a fee.

3. Regulations Abbreviations used:
3.1. IMO – the International Maritime Organization;
3.2. IMO Resolution A.887 (21) – IMO Assembly Resolution A.887 (21) “Global Maritime Distress and Safety System registration in the database of the information acquisition, creation and correction”;
3.3. IMO Resolution A.857 (20) – IMO Assembly Resolution A.857 (20) “Guidelines for Vessel Traffic control”;
3.4. COLREG – 1972 Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions;
3.5. SOLAS – the 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea and its 1988 Protocol;
3.6. IMDG Code – International Dangerous Goods Code for the safe transport;
3.7. MARPOL – the 1973 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships and its 1978 protocol with attachments;
3.8. INF Code – International Code of Packaged Irradiated nuclear fuel, plutonium and radioactive waste with high radioactivity level of safe transport;
3.9. V / A PHA Liepaja Branch – State Agency “Public Health Agency” Liepaja Branch.

4. The port administration of the Law on Ports, Pavilosta Port Authority regulations and other legislative acts of the public and the private entity realizes Pavilosta Port Authority.

5. The port territory, in accordance with the “Law on Ports”, the common hydraulic structures (berths, shore reinforcement), navigation equipment and devices are Pavilosta Port Authority possession. Common hydraulic structures and piers may also have other legal and natural persons.

6. Pavilosta Port Authority is the Law on Ports of Article 4 section 7 rights on natural and legal persons owned land in the port area.

7. In 6 of the rights specified for use shall be granted

8. If any of these provisions contained in the rules is contrary to any of the Latvian Republic of binding international law, then the application of the rule of international law.

9. Port or part thereof for defense purposes shall be regulated by Cabinet on August 15, 2000 Regulations Nr.277 “Regulations on port usage for defense needs.”

10. High-rise buildings (more than 1.5 surface floors or other structures in the surface height of more than 6.0 meters of private, public 9.0 meters) of construction, bright advertising lights, lighting poles and other lightening facilities that may interfere with navigation signs and lights visibility port above It must be coordinated with the harbor master of the Latvian Maritime administration Hydrographic service, the construction or installation of an object adjacent property owners or possessors, as well as the property in question, which is intended to carry out construction or installation, the owner or possessor.

11. Workers floating cranes, divers, when they carry out underwater work, and working vessels Dredgers boarding works aligned with the Harbor Master.

2. The port land and water area boundaries

12. The port limits are defined by the Cabinet in 2006 09.may regulations Nr.368 “Regulations on Pavilosta port delimitation”. Regulations prescribe Pavilostas border port (port-site total area – 17.096 ha, including land – 11.763 ha waters – 5,333 ha). Territory of the total area may be specified by border survey in nature. Pavilosta port area has the following limits:

Boundary number according plan

Through which the plan limit certain elements of the situation





from Northern mole to Dzintaru street



Dzintaru street right side to Meža street



The right side of Meža street, across the bridge over the river to Meža Street 1



on the border of Meža street 1 to the Ostamalas street



from Ostmalas left street to the Plot Ostmalas Street 1



along the plot of Ostmalas street 1 and on the border with Ostmalas street 3 to Jūras street



along the right side of jūras street to the Baltic sea



along the coast of the Baltic sea to the south mols



by the south mole



along the water line between the ends of the moles

Pavilosta Port Grenzpunktkoordinatenliste (Koordinatensystem LKS-92):


































3. . Die Regeln für den Schiffsverkehr in den Hafenbecken Pavilosta

3.1. Vorkehrungen für die Bereitstellung von Informationen über die Frachtschiff Ankunft und Abfahrt vom Hafen 13. Der Kapitän des Schiffes und 24 vier Stunden vor der Ankunft im Hafen von Pavilosta informieren die Hafenmeisterei, sowie die folgenden Daten über das Schiff: 13.1. Name des Schiffes; 13.2. Schiffstyp; 13.3. Flagge; 13.4. rufen unterzeichnen; 13.5. Länge, Breite, Tiefgang; 13.6.IMO – Kennnummer und Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) -Nummer; 13.7. Fracht; 13.8. die Höhe der Struktur des Schiffes; 13.9. Schiff – Agent; 13.10. die voraussichtliche Ankunftszeit an der Rezeption Boje; 13.11. Anlegeplatz (falls bekannt); 13.12. die erwartete Zeit der Abfahrt vom Hafen; 13.13. die Besatzung und die Anzahl der Passagiere an Bord. 14. Wenn das Schiff gefährliche oder umweltschädliche Fracht vor der Ankunft oder Abfahrt von Port, der Kapitän oder sein Bevollmächtigter des Kapitän des Hafens in Übereinstimmung mit dem festgelegten Verfahren durch das Kabinett, die Ladungen berichtet über gefährliche und umweltschädliche Schiff mit. 15. Der Schiffskapitän, der Agent für vier Stunden vor der Ankunft, Abfahrt oder Verschiebung Pāvilostas teilt die Hafenmeisterei der geplanten Operation.
3.2. Notwendige Unterlagen  
3.2.1. Frachtschiffe: 16 Förmlichkeiten von Schiffen in den Hafen und verlassen den Hafen werden vom Kabinett festgelegt mit dem festgelegten Verfahren durchgeführt werden. 17. Schiffsmittel bei der Ankunft des Schiffes am Master – Port Hafen geben folgende Dokumente: 17.1. die Ladungserklärung; 17.2. allgemeine Erklärung; 17.3. Passagierliste;17.4. Crew – Liste; 17.5. Schiffsabfälle Erklärung; 18. Schiffsmittel der Ankunft des Schiffes im Hafen nach Wunsch des Hafenkapitäns, geben folgende Dokumente: 18.1. Internationale Schiffsmeßbrief;18.2. Registrierungszertifikat. 19. Bei Bedarf hat die Hafenmeisterei das Recht , die Vorlage anderer internationaler Konventionen oder Flaggenstaaten Rechtsvorschriften zu verlangen, die Dokumente oder Kopien davon. 20. Schiff Agent am Schiff den Hafen verlässt wird dem Hafenmeisterei einreichen folgende Dokumente: 20,1. allgemeine Erklärung; 20.2. die Ladungserklärung; 20.3. Crew – Liste; 20.4.Passagierliste;
3.2.2. Alle anderen Schiffe 21 Hafenhilfsboote und lokalen Verkehr Schiffe aus Segeln und der Ankunft im Hafen – Meister aufgenommen.22 Schiffe sind nach Reparaturen gesteuert über, legen den Hafenmeisterei: 22,1. der Master der Anwendung; 22.2. Schiffsklassifikationsgesellschaft oder die lettische Schifffahrtsbehörde Maritime Sicherheitsinspektorat Genehmigung Testfahrt; 22.3.Crewliste in Übereinstimmung mit dem „Certificate of Mindestbesatzung Zusammensetzung“ Anforderungen. 23. Wenn nach einem Schiff Einreichung Verlassen des Hafens, die Besatzung oder das Zustand des Schiffs von Änderungen in dem Master resultierende muss die Hafenmeisterei benachrichtigt.

3.3. Kommunikationsanschluss  24 Navigieren innerhalb des Hafens müssen dieseFahrzeuge der kontinuierliche Funkkommunikation gewährleisten: 24,1. auf VHF – Kanäle 12 und 16 .;24.2. VHF – Kanal 10 ist ein Backup – Kanal. 25 Ausbaggern Schiffe im Hafenbecken arbeitet, eine kontinuierliche Funkkommunikation auf VHF 12 und 16 .. 26 auf UKW – Kanal 12. Der Port nur dannverwendet werden, um die Schifffahrt und Schiffs Berufung zu regulieren. 27 Pavilosta Hafenmeisterei bestätigt durch Daten über den Hafen und die Telefonnummern der Stadt und andere Kommunikationsmittel in Übereinstimmung mit den Vorschriften.

3.4. Loču Pilotage   28 Pilotage Pavilosta Port ist nicht verfügbar. Alle Ratschläge Fairway gibt die Hafenmeisterei.

3.5. Sicherheit der Navigation und Manövrieren im Hafen 29 des Frachtschiffes im Hafen von Bewegung ohne das Hafen Erlaubnis verboten. Die Erlaubnis , die Bewegung starten kann nur die Hafenmeisterei sein. 30. Frachtschiffe der Hafenmeisterei Befehle in Bezug auf die Bewegung um und Geschwindigkeiten Verankerung erfüllen. 31 Priority Versand ist: 31,1. Schiffe in Seenot und Schiffe zur Unterstützung gebunden; 31.2. Republik Lettland Staatsdienst Schiffe; 31.3. Passagierschiffe; 32. Die Hafengewässern gelten COLREG – Übereinkommen in der geänderten Fassung, und diese Regeln.33. Der scheidende Hafen und entlang der Haupt Fairway verkäuflich Schiffe haben Vorrang vor anderen Verkehrsteilnehmern. Schiffe unter Berücksichtigung der Entwurf und Dimensionen kann außerhalb des Haupt Fahrrinne in Betrieb sein, nicht erlaubt , die Bewegung der Schiffe zu stören , die innerhalb seiner Grenzen nur navigieren. 34. Es ist verboten , zu fliegen , wenn die Mannschaft nicht in Übereinstimmung mit der Mindestbesatzung Zusammensetzung Anforderungen abgeschlossen ist ,wenn das Schiff an Bord Dokumente ausgestellt nicht gültige Flag staatliche Behörden oder Schiffsklassifikationsgesellschaft ist. 35. Schiffsverkehr entlang dem Fairway ist nur in einer Richtung ,wenn die Länge 20 m überschreitet. 36. Schiffsverkehr im Hafen erlaubt 36,1. die Windrichtung und -stärke: 36.1.1 östliche und südliche Richtung – bis zu 14 m / s, 36.1.2. Nord- und Westrichtung – bis zu 10 m / s. 36.2. Schiffsverkehr im Hafen wird in den folgenden Fällen verboten: 36.2.1. wenn die Windgeschwindigkeit 14 m / s überschreitet (Ausnahmen von dieser Anforderung werden von dem Hafen bestimmt werden); 36.2.2. Transportschiffe – wenn die Sicht weniger als 5 Kabel (0,5 nautische Meilen). 37. Während in den Hafengewässern navigieren, Überholverbot, ausgenommen Schiffe mit einer Länge von weniger als 20 m. 38. Schiffsgeschwindigkeit Pavilosta Hafenbecken 2 Knoten nicht überschreiten. 39 Schiffe von Schiffen an Liegeplätzen vorbei, Kais, Piers unter Reparatur sowie Schwimmkräne, Taucher, wenn sie Unterwasserarbeiten durchführen, Schiffe müssen ihre Geschwindigkeit auf ein Minimum Manövergeschwindigkeit reduzieren. 40. Navigieren innerhalb der Öffnung, die Frachtbehälter heel sollte nicht mehr als 3 Grad übersteigt. 41. Kleiner Versand und Yachten sollten Schiffe entlang der Hauptschifffahrtsrouten fliegen lassen. 42. Personenbeförderung auf dem Wasser ist nur mit einem speziell für die Zwecke des Wassertransportmittels erlaubt, die in Übereinstimmung mit den Dokumenten und geeignete Rettungsmittel ist. 43. Der Kapitän, dessen Schiff in Gefahr das Hafenbecken des Sinkens, alles tun, um nicht das Schiff den Hafen Haupt Fairway Grenzen sinken und Gefahr des Sinkens, sofort an den Hafenmeister berichtet. 44. Für Notfälle, Unfälle, Brände und Schäden an, Schiffe, Hafenanlagen oder Hafen Navigationsausrüstung, Kapitän des Schiffs sofort, aber nicht später als zwei Stunden, den Kapitän des Hafens benachrichtigen.

4. Anlegen und Festmachen Bestimmungen

4.1. Ship anchor 46 berth in the port approaches are not restrictions, but the depth of not less than 10 meters and not closer to 5 cables (0.5 nautical miles) from the guidelines and 1.0 moles.
4.2. Berth preparation and use of of 47 berth vessel mooring and unmooring of the berth at their own expense. 48. Mooring preparation contains: 48.1. duly notified draft appropriate depth maintenance of the docks and approaches (from the main boundaries of the fairway to the quay); 48.2. mooring interfering cranes, equipment and objects harvesting; 48.3. berth protective equipment (fenders) in running order; 48.4.berth sufficient lighting at night; 48.5. quay length sufficient free provision of mooring the ship; 48.6.Breaking the ice at the berth and its approaches to ensure the smooth mooring, unberthing; 48.7.clearing snow 3 m from the berth’s edge; 48.8. transport ships – linesman for mooring operations; 48.9.cleanliness and order maintenance quay. 49. It is prohibited to moor, unmoor or re-moor cargo ships at berth unprepared. 50. The maximum authorized dimensions of the cargo vessel Mooring at the pier prior approval of the Harbor Master or his authorized person. 51. It is prohibited to unload goods 3 m from the berth’s edge. 52. It is prohibited to dump snow on the ice closed port basins. 53. Each berth should be supplied with rescue equipment. 54 berth is responsible for the technical condition of the piers, their maintenance procedures, technical operations, fire safety, environmental protection and other regulations. if Significant damage is discovered, immediately notify the Pavilosta Port Authority. 55 leased berths management conditions determined berth lease agreement. 56. In order to ensure that persons or the safety of ships in an emergency or to prevent accidents, natural disasters or the effects of pollution, Pavilosta Port Authority has the right to use the terminal in advance required coordination with the berth operator, if possible.
  4.3. Mooring and unmooring procedure 57 Mooring berth cargo ship in time indicating the ship agent upon prior coordination with the berth. 58 mooring The number and location determined by the master. 59 Standstill at berth, the transport vessel have a watch and secure communication with the Harbor Master. Vessels should be properly moored, equipped with an illuminated ramp below which strengthened safety net. At the ramp must be lifebuoy with light buoy and at least 27 m long rope. 60. moor the ship to the other side of vessel may only with the consent of the ship captains and make it smooth movements of ships by the port main fairway. 61. Upon receipt of a storm warning, the master shall take the additional measures the ships safe parking. 62. If the mooring or anchor devices are not operational before the planned shifting you should inform the Harbor Master. 63. In exceptional circumstances (fire, flood, etc.) harbor master has the right to request to move the ship. Relocation costs shall be borne by the shipowner. 64. When standing at the port, vessels shall be prohibited to cut overboard cargo booms, deck cranes Boat taps and if it is not necessary in connection with cargo operations. 65. Lower the board boats or rescue Ploštín port should only be with the port captain’s permission, except in exceptional cases. 66. The vessel was so brīvguļā and board by the main propulsion, steering or anchor equipment repair and other ship repair this board brīvguļa aligned with the Harbor Master. 67. The ship outside the side should be illuminated.

5. Environmental protection rules in the Port

68. Vessels, legal and natural persons who are in the port follow the MARPOL Convention and the 1992 Convention on Baltic Sea Region Marine Environment Protection (Helsinki Convention), as well as the Latvian Republic of the regulatory requirements. 69. port water area and port roads prohibited to discharge from shore objects and vessels: 69.1. all kinds of oil and oil-containing products, harmful and dangerous chemicals, organic compounds and waste;69.2. cargo and bunkering tank washing waters and oily ballast water, bilge water;69.3. water used in the tanks of vessels or tanks for washing, which transported noxious and dangerous chemicals or solutions;69.4. It is prohibited from discharging behind onboard any cargo remainders, separation and other waste70. Polluted water pumping system port valves are closed and sealed. 71 floating crafts refueling occurs berths, including bunkering of the tank, according to the fire and SOPEP requirements. 72. port is prohibited hull washing, if it can lead to water pollution, as prohibited in detergents, incorporating environmentally hazardous substances. 73. port is prohibited to perform hull cleaning and painting, with the exception of sites with special equipment in accordance with environmental protection requirements. 74. port is prohibited vessels operate incinerators. 75. To allow the use of toilets on ships, you must be equipped with a closed system. 76. Ship-generated waste and polluted waters at the port and charging arrangements for these services shall be performed in accordance with Cabinet Regulation No. 455 of 8 October 2002, “ship-generated waste and polluted waters and the Order of Ship-generated Waste Management Plan Procedure”. 77. Oil and liquid chemicals transportation by ship to and from the port may be carried out only tankers with double bottom or double hull in accordance with MARPOL requirements. 78 port water area of ​​water surface treatment of oil and its products prohibits the use of substances dissolving or submerging floating oil and its products. 79. If the cargo and bunkering operations, including the carrying out of bunkering tankers at berth, during an oil spill or chemical products on board or overboard, these operations shall cease immediately and report to the harbor master of the State Environmental Service Marine and Inland Waters Administration (hereinafter -VVD Marine and inland waters administration), the shipowner or agent, and immediately begin collection and treatment works. 80. Vessel owner or charterer is liable for damages arising from hazardous substances spill their fault. A berth operator shall be liable for damages incurred due to hazardous substances spill berth fault. 81. The ship’s captain and berth inform the Harbor Master and the SES Marine and Inland Waters Administration of the observed area or water area pollution. 82 berth marina is responsible for the cleanliness of the territory. 83. Vessels with radioactive substances Pavilostas port of entry is prohibited. 84. If the board is set out in the IMDG Code Class 1 (explosives) or 5.2.klases (organic peroxides), then enter the port Pavilostas prohibited.

6. Dredging the port

  85. Dredging activities within the port may be commenced only if they are pre-written in concert with Pavilosta Port Authority, Harbor Master and after receiving the technical regulations of the State Environmental Service. 86. Dredging vessel before starting work coordinate anchors, buoys and ropes with the Harbor Master. 87. The process of work anticipated changes in the ropes, anchors and buoys, dredging ship promptly report to the harbor master. 88. At the request of the ship dredging ship released fairway, releasing or towing cables, or the going down of the fairway. 89. The port workers dredging vessels shall hoist the signs or light signals, in accordance with the requirements of COLREG.90. A vessel approaching the dredging vessel gives COLREG for alarm and wait for a response for further permitted activities. Passing vessel shall maintain continuous radio communications with the deepening of the ship and following the instructions. 91 dredging vessels and hopper vessels are prohibited to take fairways. 92. If dredging vessel while the vessel is approaching from opposite directions, priority shall be given to vessels outbound from the port. 93. Traffic starting dredger and hopper vessels shall request permission.

7. Port security monitoring basic principles

94. Ship security port is performed in accordance with the ISPS Code. 95. Transport and persons to, exit from the port area for their demarcated (fenced) territories only through respective check in accordance with the company’s approved pass arrangements in each of these areas. 96. The port territory, presenting the service certificate, official duty to move within relevant public officials and their transport in accordance with the legislative requirements. 97. The territory of the port, wharves or warehouses, goods preservation responsible relevant berth, warehouse owner or user. 98. The irregularities and uncertainties cases informed the State Border Guard officers and security personnel berths.

8. Customs, Immigration, sanitary and fire at the Port

8.1. Customs and Border Protection mode 99 of the Customs and Border Protection mode is determined by the customs affairs and border control regulatory laws. 100. All vessels must be drawn up crew and passenger lists (the ship rolls), individuals must present seaman’s books, passports or passes.
8.2. Sanitary Requirements  101. Medical examination and supervision of the port shall be N / A PHA Liepaja Branch. This service requirements within the limits of obligatory natural and legal persons operating in the port. Ships and floating means of arriving at the port, subject to V / A PHA Liepaja branch medical supervision and control. 102. The ship’s captain unfavorable sanitary-epidemiological situation, crew members with signs of infectious diseases, deaths and sanitary-dangerous goods, with the ship’s agent to inform the V / A PHA Liepaja branch employees not later than twelve hours before the arrival of the ship outer roads. 103 vessels which entered the particularly dangerous diseases in the affected areas, V / A PHA Liepaja branch employees, at its own discretion and according to the circumstances, medical sanitary inspection carried out at the entrance to the port. 104 Ship sanitary documents takes place around the clock application receiving the order. 105. The unfavorable epidemiological situation on board M / A PHA Liepaja Branch shall organize epidemic measures. 106 V / A PHA Liepaja branch employees under the national monitoring program “Mayor’s agent-circuit monitoring” performs regular rodent control of the port area and on board ships. The port area of the warehouse of rodents reported N / A PHA Liepaja branch employees. 107 Disinfection, Pest and vermin control ship, cargo, cargo room after sanitary dangerous cargo handling carried out N / A PHA Liepaja branch employees, taking all precautionary measures. These works are carried out on the shipowner.108 quay hydrants and water train of drinking water quality control V / A PHA Liepaja Branch. 109. According to the captain or the ship owner’s request and at his expense N / A PHA Liepaja branch employees take on board the following works: 109.1. water testing with the issuance of the relevant certificate of compliance with the national standard; 109.2. assessment on ship sewage treatment and disinfection efficiency of the system in accordance with the requirements of MARPOL; 109.3. medicines and medical supplies first aid existence test with the issuance of a certificate. 110. In order to prevent dangerous diseases in the import and distribution threat Latvian, the master shall notify the V / A PHA Liepaja branch employees for crew change.
8.3. Fire Safety Rules port 111. Fire safety of each port sector under the responsibility of the port area by the owner or user. 112 Fire safety on board vessels in the port basin, the responsibility and the compliance with the master. 113 ships while in the port basin, the fire-extinguishing systems and equipment must be in working order and ready for immediate use.114. Upon noticing a fire on board the ship guard announce alert, manage fire fighting and notify the Harbor Master and the State Fire and Rescue Service in Liepaja team, which, if necessary, take part in the fire fighting operations. 115. Opening fire in the port area, the person who has noticed it immediately inform the Harbor Master, National Fire and Rescue Service and Liepaja team berth and initiate liquidation of the fire with all available means. Berth, after the fire detection and notification of fires receipt of the alert and organize fire fighting. 116 fire in the port area, the vessel will be ready to leave the dangerous area of the port. 117. Short-term work on the fire performance of the vessels, if necessary, obtain a written authorization in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, the obligation to inform berth. 118 loading a ship with fuel (excluding bunkering and ship refueling in accordance with Paragraph 71) or other inflammable cargo by the Harbor Master, in coordination with the berth. A ship lifted signal flag “Bravo” and the dark time of the day to turn red lokuguns. 119 all port areas should be evicted prohibitive and explanatory signs in English and Latvian.

9. Responsibility for violation of the Port Regulations

120. These provisions are binding on all legal entities and individuals, including vessels situated or operating in the port. Implementation of these regulations oversees Pavilosta Port Authority and the Harbor Master.121. For this violation of any legal or natural person is responsible in accordance with the Administrative Violations Code and other laws and regulations. 122 Pavilosta Port Authority is not responsible for other legal or natural person act or omission results and shall be entitled to the laws and regulations in order to reach any port caused direct damage to a full refund. 123. In order to ensure port operations, after changes in the Latvian laws, these rules may be amended. If changes are not made, guided by the normative act of higher legal force given.124. This provision ignorance exonerate the offender from legal liability.

10. Port fees to be charged

125. port charges and tariffs be approved by the Board of Pavilosta port. Pavilosta Port Authority 45 days before the port fees of amendments coming into force provides port dues amendment availability Pavilostas website in Latvian and English. 126 Harbor Board may approve Pavilostas port fees and tariffceilings for the following services: 126.1. port charges:126.1.1. tonnage fees; 126.1.2. channel charge;126.1.3. sanitary fee; 126.1.4. small ship fee; 126.1.5. anchor fee; 126.1.6. ice fee; 126.1.7. wharfage fee; 126.1.8. freight charges; 126.1.9. passenger fee; 126.2. tariff ceilings for the following services provided by the port:126.2.1. charges for mooring and unmooring operations; 126.2.2. fee for garbage and polluted water; 126.2.3. charges for tugboats and other floating means; 126.2.4. payment for fire services; 126.2.5. charges for drinking water supply. 127 vessels before leaving the port pays for any legal or natural person caused damage. 128 Cargo Ship agent ensures that the port fees and service charges payment Pavilosta Port Authority and the Latvian Maritime Administration, the collection of ship-owners, according to port existing tariffs and payment procedures. The rest of the ship owners take regulatory enactments settlements with Pavilosta Port Authority and the Latvian Maritime Administration in accordance with the following prescription and payment of invoices submitted. 129 Pavilosta Port Authority provides the following services at the port: 129.1. fuel and lubricants supply (refueling and bunkering tankers from their moorings of his economic activity carried out in the berth users); 129.2.drinking water: 129.2.1. water pipes moorings; 129.3. polluted water and garbage collection: 129.3.1.tanks, dedicated transport, filling stations; 129.3.2. dry for waste collection containers coast.

11. Captain of the port / Harbor Master

130. The Harbor Master shall organize and monitor vessel traffic in the port and port approaches, take maritime safety control functions in relation to shipping traffic in the port, the port basin, shipping routes, berths and terminals. 131 Harbor Master’s orders, issued in accordance with the legislation in force and relating to maritime safety measures are mandatory for all vessels, organizations, undertakings (companies), as well as other legal and natural persons who operate or are located in the port area. 132. The Harbor Master has the right to send a vessel lying in port or at sea to move the event on board the emergency has occurred, or it endangers other nearby vessels, port equipment, people or the environment. Costs associated with the relocation of the shipowner. 133. Any port spate of accidents at sea port captain shall notify the Coast Guard and the Latvian Maritime Administration, but also in case of pollution Marine and Inland Waters Administration, as well as organize the initial accident investigation, evidence and other documents – also in relation to a ship which is been involved in an accident, but not been damaged, it is seaworthy and preparing for leaving, or leaving the port. 134 Pāvilosta port, the port captain’s duties, the port board decision can perform Pavilostas port manager.135.Ostas master shall develop and submit for approval to the port rules. 136.Savas competence, monitor compliance with port regulations. 137. Control port territory against pollution, ensure the consequences of pollution in the port. 138. manages transferred to its possession, hydraulic structures, fairways, navigation equipment and devices.

12. Ship detention and arrest

139 Ship detention or arrest shall be carried out in accordance with the Maritime Administration and Marine Safety Act, the Maritime Code and other laws and regulations.

13. The hydraulic structures and equipment operation

140. Permission to load mooring and cargo operations at a relevant berth shall be issued by the Harbor Master. 141. For 137.punktā the prescribed permits, piers and water area users or owners of the Harbor Master shall submit the following documents:141.1. The port administration permission for business in the port area;141.2. acts of commissioning the object;141.3. soundings plan approaches the berth;141.4. soundings plan 10 m wide strip along the pier;141.5. The original act of the underwater survey of 10 m wide strip alongside the berth after dredging;141.6. Act on the original water area monitoring with solid trawl by shipping hazardous items harvesting, if requested by the Harbor Master.142. In accordance with 141 of these berths users each year to the captain of the port data on the depths at the berths and approaches. Piers, which are packed in bulk, scrap metal, paper and similar load, users every twelve months, submit to the Harbor Master acts as landing strips underwater survey.143. According to the captain of the port 141 of these may require additional depth measurement and acts of the underwater survey, as well as data on water area monitoring with solid trawl.144. According to 141 of these vessels shall be prohibited to berth operated propeller, except the maneuvers required for the ship mooring and unmooring. 145. In accordance with 141 of these regulate the operation of the main engines after repair only allowed with the port captain and the user’s written consent, without interfering with other ships. 146 Cargo load on the pier must not exceed the permissible load. 147 Underwater cables, chutes slopes and high-voltage power lines must be appropriately marked.148 berths users comply with the intended use of the quay. 149. If the operation of the ship is damaged wharf or other port construction, installation or facility, Pavilosta Port Authority technical parts of the harbor master and the berth operator, together with the master of the ship’s departure constitutes an event act, which, together with the repair cost estimates submitted to the board the holder as a claim.Appropriate surveys and provide the necessary acts damaged the facility owner or operator.150. Losses caused by ship port hydro-technical structures, navigation equipment, ports and communications devices of the shipowner.

14. Fishing port basin

151 fishing gear location and fishing port basin prohibited.

15. Tugboat Services in the port

152. Based on Pavilostas administration and the tug of the owner or possessor of the agreement signed between the port tugs providing services for a fee. 153. The number of tugs necessary is determined by the master at the harbor master’s advice. 154 in tow, the master the work of tugs, determine the tug service type and amount, as well as be responsible for towing safety. In case of emergency, if no fault tugboat, on the consequences of the responsibility of the master. 155. Pulling towed by ships without a team, tug chaired by the tug master of a tow is fastened the bow. 156. The tugboat services Pavilosta Port Authority enter into the appropriate contract with a particular tug owner. These tugs storm warning during the operation must be operational. 157. The ship’s captain has the right to withdraw from the order for tugs at the latest one hour before the time. If a vessel refuses services from less than one hour before the beginning of the operation, the master of the vessel tug services to be paid at the hourly rate, given the tug actual time spent on the way off the board and back to its berth. 158 port workers tugboats provide VHF communications.

16. Additional terms

159. Conventional vessels and undertakings (companies), organizations, legal and natural persons operating in the port with conventional ships (brokering service, cargo handling, etc.), without those stated in the rules of the Republic of Latvian and international laws and regulations comply with: 159.1.IMO Recommendations for safe transport of dangerous goods and related activities in ports ( IMO Recommendations on the Safe Transport of Dangerous cargoes and Related Activities in Port Areas, the IMO circular MSC / Circ.675); 159.2. IMO Cargo Stowage and Securing secure code with the corrections (IMO Code of Safe Practice for Cargo stowage and Securing IMO Resolution A.714 (17));159.3. IMO Bulk Loading and Unloading Code of Safe Practice (BLU Code) (Code of Practice for the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers (BLU Code), IMO Resolution A.862 (20)); 159.4. IMO / ILO / UN European Economic Committee Guidelines for packing of cargo transport units ( IMO / ILO / UN ECE Guidelines for Packing of Cargo Transport Units (CTUs), 1997) ; 159.5. International Association of Ports manual Dangerous Goods and Port Environment ( IAPH Dangerous Goods and Port Environment); 159.6. International Grain Safe Transport Code (International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk, IMO Resolution MSC.23 (59)); 159.7. IMO Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck as amended (Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck cargoes, as amended, IMO Resolution A.715 (17)) ; 159.8. Safe operation of container ships, 1998 (ICHCA Safe Working on Container Ships, 1998).

17. Closing question

160. The provision on the entry into force expiring February 22, 1996, the Ministry of Transport recognized Pavilostas port rule number – No.12. Regulations “Pavilosta harbor provisions”. 161. All matters not covered by these Pāvilosta port rules shall be settled in accordance with applicable laws and other applicable laws and regulations.
Saka District Council U.Kristapsons (signature)